When did committing genocide become tolerable?
Go ahead. Tell me it’s acceptable that every day for nearly 10 months we’ve been seeing dead Palestinian babies, toddlers and children wrapped in white sheets soaked in their own blood.
I’ll wait….
Sadly, many Democrats’ reactions to what’s been happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since Oct. 7, 2023 have been attempts at justification, as have assertions regarding the presidential election since Biden’s debate debacle on June 27, 2024.
What so many Democrats have been saying openly and repeatedly on social media and elsewhere leads to the conclusion that all your nice, agreeable, highfalutin peace, love, caring, acceptance, equity, diversity, live-and-let-live, anti-war talk and posturing has been just that – talk and posturing.
You insist it’s O.K. that the U.S. is enabling the genocide of Palestinians with money and weapons.
You’re adamant that President Joe Biden is a “good and decent” man, despite his nearly carte blanche enabling of Israeli zionists in a killing spree that has resulted in at least 186,000 Palestinian deaths, the vast majority of them innocent men, women and children.

You say not voting for Biden is a vote for Donald Trump, and that’s not acceptable because Trump will kill more Palestinians than Biden will.
While it’s true that Trump is a vile human being, an evil combination of arrogance, misogyny and fascism, and that the GOP is a soulless party, that doesn’t give Biden or Democrats a free pass. “Trump will kill more Palestinians than Biden” might be true, but it doesn’t excuse the guy who is doing it right now.
Further, a genocide is a genocide; there are no degrees or gradations. There are no “better” genocides or “worse” genocides.
To argue otherwise isn’t only illogical and immoral; it’s absurd.
The actions and professed future actions of both Biden and Trump in this regard are intolerable, inexcusable, unforgivable. Whether one guy is more or less of a genocidist than the other is irrelevant; they’re both guilty of genocide or are promising to continue support for genocide.
Just as a person who provides the gun to a murderer shares guilt in the murder, the person who provides funds, guns and bombs to genocidists is as guilty as the people with votes in the Knesset, boots on the ground or thumbs on drone controllers.
Hollow Justifications for Genocide
“One is lot more horrible than the other.”
Not if you’re a Palestinian.
“Trump would be far worse than Biden… If you care about the fate of Palestinians, you should be avid for Biden over Trump.”
It’s necessary to support Biden because he will contribute to fewer maimings and deaths than Trump? Really?
A genocide is a genocide; there are no degrees or gradations. There are no “better” genocides or “worse” genocides.
“We’ve been giving Israel billions of dollars and weapons for decades. Nothing new there.”
The fact that U.S. presidents have been acting immorally for so long makes Biden’s actions acceptable? C’mon!
When I wrote on Facebook recently that I wasn’t going to vote for either of the two old, white men who support genocide, here was the first vote-blue-no-matter-who reaction:
“THAT’s your biggest concern?”
Wait… It’s NOT yours?
The fact that it is not doesn’t just divulge a paucity of morality, but smacks of racism, as well. Regardless of whether you recognize it as such, what you’re saying is, “Well, you know, those people are half a world away and they aren’t white, anyway, so….”
What if Israel were bombing and attacking your neighborhood? Your children? Would it then, finally, be your biggest concern?
I’ll tell you this – if I were the Palestinian who lost his children to U.S. bombs and ammunition, or the woman whose kids are, by some miracle, still alive, I wouldn’t give a good goddamn if the guy arming and funding the hands-on genocidists will do more or less by comparison after the November election.
I’d just want it to stop. Right now.
How Did This Happen?
When did Democrats become O.K. with your leader doing this?
Worse, when did you decide he deserves more time to continue doing this?
When did you lose your humanity? Or is that just a cloak you wear when it’s convenient?
Some argue it has always been thus, and the more history I read and the more “Blue MAGAt” reactions to this genocide I see, the harder it is to disagree.
I’ve been voting in presidential elections since 1988, and until about 10 years ago I voted a straight Democratic ticket. Then I started waking up. I began acting upon my strong conviction that a candidate must earn my vote, that it’s no longer good enough to be the lesser of two evils.
Today this former straight-ticket Democrat is an Independent Progressive; I will not vote for Republicans, but I don’t automatically darken every box next to a Democrat’s name, either. I never will again.
I’ll make no apologies for that.
In fact, I wish I’d woken up sooner. Maybe then this transition wouldn’t still be so painful, and maybe exposure to so many Democrats’ true colors wouldn’t be so disappointing and maddening.
Regardless, here are my red lines:
No deaths of innocents are acceptable. None.
Enabling a genocide is just as evil as pulling the trigger yourself. Period.
End of story.

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* Featured image via Aljezeera – “An injured man bids farewell to the body of his son as they lie in a hospital in the aftermath of the Israeli bombardment in Raffah on December 19, 2023.” [Mohammed Abed/AFP]”
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- Source: https://ivwords.com/2024/07/18/question-4-dems/